StagePage is lead by a team of 4 arts education creatives: Robin Pascoe, Liz Pascoe, Benjamin Pascoe and Hannah Pascoe.
Robin Pascoe
Robin Pascoe: teacher, writer, arts educator, creative.
Robin has taught English, Drama and Media in country and metropolitan secondary schools. He ran the Performing Arts Service Centre for the Western Australian Department of Education and was Consultant Dance and Drama, Superintendent for the Arts and Curriculum Manager for a metropolitan school district. He has been Chief Examiner for Year 12 Drama and worked on many curriculum committees and worked on successive versions of a national arts curriculum.
Drama and Theatre Key Terms and Concepts (a vital partnership with Hannah and Ben Pascoe) grew from recognizing a need in the learning of students. Published by StagePage, a partnership with Liz Pascoe, the Key Terms and Concepts series is an exciting opportunity for professional learning and advocating for arts education in schools. More are planned to support the implementation oysters education in schools.
Since 2002 he has been Senior Lecturer Arts and Drama Education in the School of Education at Murdoch University. His year is divided between secondary drama teachers and teaching the arts for primary generalist teachers. He is also Academic Chair of secondary teacher education.
His work in theatre includes writing and producing for the WA Youth Theatre Company being on various boards including chairing WAYTCO and being a member of the board of Black Swan Theatre Company. With Liz Pascoe he has coauthored plays with music for young performers.
Robin is currently President of IDEA the International Drama/Theatre and Education Association having also led DramaWest and Drama Australia and been a chair of the National Affiliation of Arts Educators NAAE. As President of IDEA he is also a member of the Presidential Council of the World Alliance for Arts Education WAAE. He presents and publishes internationally.
Liz Pascoe
Liz Pascoe has been a singer, pianist and teacher for more years than she cares to remember.
She originally trained as a secondary English and Music teacher, working for some years in secondary schools where she honed her skills as a writer, vocal coach and musical director.
Since 1990 she has been a part-time lecturer in singing in the Acting and Music Theatre Departments at the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts (WAAPA).
Liz’s performing and creative experience includes opera, theatre restaurant performance, musicals, music direction and composing for youth theatre, accompanying and vocal coaching.
In her spare time she is a keen reader, writer and soap-maker.
Ben Pascoe
Benjamin Pascoe is an award winning professional Photographer and Filmmaker.
Ben honed his skills in photography and cinematography while working on films and TV series in Western Australia.
In 2008 he worked in the camera department on the TV Series "Trapped". In 2009 he worked as a camera operator on "Castaway" (both for Northway Productions). He also shot the award winning short film "The Owl" and co-directed the photography of the fan film "Fallout:Lanius"
In 2011 Ben photodocumented the film "Transmission". In 2012 Ben photographed the Promotional Material for "Les Affreux'.
Ben has a strong working understanding of lighting, having worked in lighting across a number of films (2008- 2014), including the new film "Drift".
Hannah Pascoe is a director, writer, actor and producer who has worked in film and theatre across four continents.
Her unique skill set combines a keen visual eye and natural sense of storytelling with a producer’s sensibility and entrepreneurial attitude.